Monday, September 6, 2010

A Website that Inspired ME to Cook.

In our house it's a well-known fact that Steve, my husband, does most (okay, okay ALL!) of the cooking. (Don't tell him, but I have a feeling that might all change.) I recently stumbled upon a website called Weelicious a great resource for parents like myself who want to introduce their little ones to healthy and delicious fresh foods.

So far this weekend I'm on a roll! I've made the Veg-Wee Burgers (which are perfect for freezing) Sweet Beet Cookies & Kale Chips -- and I've gotta tell you, my 14 month old wasn't the only one chowing down on them.

The way I see it, any website that can provide me with easy recipes like this AND inspire me to make them is something worth sharing. Thank you, Catherine McCord!